Saturday, May 17, 2008

4th TAG

4th TAG from yana....aduhai...manyak nyerr kne jawab.... nak x nak kne jwb gaks.....
1. If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?
Menangis puas~puas....Ngadu kt IBU...ibu tmpt aku mngaDu....SAYANG IBU!!!!
2. What will you do if you do not share the same feelings as the person who likes you? Bterus trang...tolak dgn cara bek....
3.What will your dream wedding be like? PINK....simple but perfect!! everyone's satisfy....
4.Are you confused as to what lies ahead of you? Maybe....otak ni akan sntiasa berfikir...
5.What's your ideal lover like? Simple...Loving....Hormat org tua....Pandai pujuk aku....Caring....Romantic....X skema....
6.Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone else? "being loved" laahhh...."bia org syg kite lebih dr kite syg org tu..."
7.If the person you like does not accept you, would you continue to wait for them to change their feelings? Bserah....."Klo ade jodoh tak ke mana....."....
8.Is there anything that has made you unhappy recently? Ermmm....a little bit sensitive.... **nk piyed kot...
9.What do you want most in life? Happiness.....!!!
10.Is being tagged fun? Sumtimes laa......tgk TAG die cmno....
11.If you find out that your best friend is going out with your boyfriend/girlfriend, how would you react? Jegil~jegil kn bijik mate y besHa neyh....Siasat...then kiter SERANG!!!
12.Who is currently the most important person to you? Family..... [abah...ibu...adi...yaya]
13.What kind of person do you think I am? A good consultant...good advisor...
14.What is the most unforgettable thing/event in your life? SECRET lahh....!!!
15.Would you give your all in a relationship? depends on r.sHip y camne........
16.If you fall in love with two persons simultaneously, who would you pick? Who loves me so much....but i dun wanna b in dis situatiOn....Dun carik pasal laa....
17.If you played a prank on someone, and he/she fell for the trick, what would you do? " jerk.....jgn mara ekk...."
dah....setel sudaa......nk kne TAG org ke??? tak mo laa....kasik mbr2 aku relaX kjap.... huhuhuhu~....


eYaNacOMeY said...

huahuahua..terjwb sudaa my TAG!!anyway, Thanx N.. nie good advisor ekk?? tuh blom jumpa lgi tuh!! kuang3..

p/s: nnt jgn lupe jwb satu lagi TAG taw!!Yah Wee..(*_^)


ita.itu said...

waduhh mls nye nak wat tag nih..hehe

pRincESs_N said...

yana : lorr...N auto publish...jadik rupe cmni plaks...msti pning org bace..ahakz!!

sis ita : jgn laa mls2 ekk....akak nyerr da next tag...

eYaNacOMeY said...

hehe..xpelaa..besar saiz..sape yg rabun tuh..senang nk nengok!!~lalala

pRincESs_N said...

ehh....N x wat size gni...x to pesal mengong sgtt neyh...

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